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Designs By Megan Turnidge

About Megan

About Megan

I’m just a gal who loves to make stuff! This blog of mine is my outlet for all things creative. I first stumbled upon digital scrapbooking in 2005 but I didn’t dive in until early 2007 when I was pregnant with my daughter. About a year and a half after I started scrapping, I began learning digital design. My passion for digital scrapbooking, along with a desire to capture better photos of my darling daughter, pushed me into photography in late 2009. I put the design stuff away for a little bit, but I’m back and excited to offer you new digital scrapbooking designs in 2012 (and hopefully beyond)!

I have this compulsion to learn new stuff. I see something I love and decide I want to teach myself how to do it! In the last year I also taught myself to crochet and knit. I have way too many hobbies and I’m sure I’ll be picking up more in the near future (sewing, perhaps?).

I am happily married to a super hot stud named Tyrel. We’ve been married for over 6 years now. We have THE cutest kids ever. Our princess is 4 and we’ve got a handsome dude who is 9 months old. We live in a small town and the nearest Target is 2 hours away (THE HORROR!). Sometimes I struggle with small town life – mainly because I miss yummy restaurants and good shopping – but overall, it’s pretty great. We feel safe and the people are so friendly. So there ya have it! I’m a wife, mom, and small town resident who loves to make beautiful things!

And, for the record, my name is “Meeegan.” It rhymes with “vegan.”


Special thanks to Halversen Photography for the profile photo!